Monday, December 14, 2009

Homeless newspaper debuts in St. Pete

The St. Petersburg Homeless Image -- a forum for advocates, homeless and formerly homeless people, students and the general public -- made its debut this weekend on the streets of St. Pete.

The paper includes articles on the homeless lawsuit against the city, St. Pete's designation as the second meanest city, a blistering attack on the St. Petersburg Times for their recent article against panhandling and passionate obits on street people who died recently.

The paper is the brainchild of my friend and colleague G.W. Rolle, a formerly homeless man who serves on the county's Homeless Leadership Network. The project grew out of a need to provide accurate news and opinions to the people of St. Pete during an unusually hostile atmosphere toward the homeless. Plus, through a generous vendor program, the paper provides an economic opportunity. Homeless folks can sell the paper for a profit and, besides getting some extra cash, learn valuable job skills. Rolle says it's a good alternative to panhandling.

Read the newspaper here (but if you're in St. Pete, buy one anyway).

(Adapted from Alex Pickett's post at Pushing Rope.)


At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's very cool. Somebody in Orlando should start one of those.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Jacqueline Dowd said...

Rock for Hunger tried. Got a couple of issues out, but I haven't seen an issue lately.

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