Thursday, February 01, 2007

Advocates for homeless fault
Palm Beach County for inaction

If Palm Beach County were doing right by the homeless, Westgate Tabernacle wouldn't be dragging the government to court over the hundred-plus saints who spend the night at the church, says attorney Barry Silver.

Wednesday he called two of the top advocates for the homeless in the county to back him up.

In two hours of testimony, they contended that county officials have denied that a homeless problem exists, coerced a consultant evaluating the problem to sugarcoat it (lest he not get paid) and in the end failed to provide even one emergency bed to answer the need.

The county and the church have been at odds since 1999, when county zoning officials were alerted that the church was letting the homeless sleep on its floors. Evetually, the church sued the county for violating its rights to minister under state and federal law. Read the lawsuit here.

Read the Palm Beach Post story here.


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