Monday, November 10, 2014
A poverty lawyer (and, by the way, law professor) comments on social justice issues, news and court decisions ... with a few other random thoughts thrown in here and there
Help support IDignity! People without photo ID have difficulty accessing the critical services and benefits that help move people off the streets and out of poverty. Help us eliminate the barriers that are forcing people to live on the streets. Make a donation that will help one person – or 10 – get the photo ID that will enable them to access critical, life-sustaining services.Legal Advocacy at Work is a registered Florida non-profit corporation that provides legal services to homeless people.
Previous posts
- “Why do they waste their money on junk food?” If y...
- LA's homeless allowed to live in cars, appeals cou...
- If homeless people had a safe place to live, taxpa...
- Almost half of homeless men had a previous brain i...
- A Kissimmee native's view of homelessness
- Los Angeles police arrest grandmother 59 times
- Americans are deeply divided over what causes pove...
- “What good is having the right to sit at a lunch c...
- Recently homeless older adults have different need...
- As homelessness increases across Massachusetts, do...
Homeless blogs
- Homelessness Law Blog
- Homelessrob Has A Plan
- The Homeless UK Blogger
- News from the Streets
- Homeless in Boston
- aibaihe's blog
- Give Us Your Poor Blog
- LA's homeless blog
- This Homeless Life
- At my friend's place
- homeword bound
- PDX Urban Outdoorsman
- Mosaic Street
- Joe Anybody Homeless Blog
- Car Camper
- View from the Sidewalk
- Wandering Scribe
- On the Nickel
- Turning It Over
- Homeless Man Speaks
- Homeless Family's Blog
- The Homeless Guy
- Chosen Fast
- The Giving Tree
- Cleveland Homeless
- Larry James' Urban Daily
- Squatter City
- BASIC Orlando
- Take Back the Land
- Today at the Mission
- Michaelann Land
- Anonymous 1%
- Stone Soup Station
- SLO Homeless
- 12th and Republic
- Homeless Not Nameless
- Hope for the Homeless
- Mobile Loaves & Fishes
- From Homeless to Homeowner
- Seminole Action Coalition Serving Our Needy
- National Alliance to End Homelessness
- Rock for Hunger Check news & blog posts about homelessness
Foreclosure blogs
- Matt Weidner Blog
- Chink in the Armor
- Foreclosure Buzz
- Florida Foreclosure Lawyer
- Florida Foreclosure Fraud Weblog
- spacecoastweb
- Aikane Leo
- Bark Bark Woof Woof
- Conceptual Guerilla
- Florida Politics
- Florida Public Policy
- Independent Report
- litbrit
- Make Me a Commentator
- Pensacola Beach Blog
- Pushing Rope
- Smashed Frog
- Space Coast Rising
- The Spencerian
- spacecoastweb's Florida blog directory
- Abstract Appeal
- Will Report for Food
- Nancy Imperiale Blog
- Orange Juice Collective
- Florida Politics
- Paxety Pages
- Interstate4Jamming2
- FlaBlog
- Sticks of Fire
- South of the Suwanee
- Truman's Conscience
- Over the Cliff, Onto the Rocks
- Incertus
- The Florida Masochist
- Infomaniac
- Florida Cracker
- Saint Petersblog
- Tampa Bay Democrat
- Hyku
- The Daily Pulp
- Change in Tallahassee
- Can't Keep Quiet
- Central Florida Political Pulse
(from the Orlando Sentinel)- What's Wrong with Orlando Politics
- How Shall We Grow? (about Central Florida)
- Ybor City Stogie
- Rattler Nation
- Florida Kossacks
- Orlando CopWatch Blog
- STOP (Stop the Ordinance Partnership) Blog
- Western Justice
- Abstract Appeal
- CourtWatch
- Florida Civil Legal Update
- Equal Justice Works
- Poverty Law
- Indefensible
- A Georgia Lawyer
- Arbitrary and Capricious
- Do Not Pass Geaux
- Gideon's Guardians
- Defending Those People
- A Public Defender's Journal
- Injustice Anywhere ...
- Public Defender Stuff
- CrimLaw
- Oswald Defense Lawyer
- Liberty & Power
- Flex Your Rights
- Inter alia
- Concurring Opinions
- Judging Crimes
- Objective Justice
- ACS Blog (American Constitution Society)
- my Hq blawgs
- Florida Divorce Law Blog
- South Florida Lawyers
- Florida Lawyers Blog Watch
- The Truth About False Confessions
- Barbara Bernier's blog
- Sex Crimes
- Religion Clause
- Photography is Not a Crime
- Rachel's Tavern
- Barbara Ehrenreich's blog
- The APB (Anti-Poverty Blog)
- Poverty and Policy
- Wampum
- Chicken Bones Journal
- the mindful mission
- Lucky White Girl
- Blac(k)ademic
- Why Am I Not Surprised?
- Gun Toting Liberal
- Cappuccino Soul
I'm a lawyer,
so there has to be a disclaimer- This blawg is a exercise in journalism, not legal advice. It should not be relied upon as a substitute for the advice of a qualified attorney, obtained in an attorney-client relationship, with respect to any actual legal issue or dispute. Nothing on this web site should be construed as legal advice or perceived as creating an attorney-client relationship.
My blog is worth $20,887.98.
How much is your blog worth?
More blogs
Florida Progressive Coalition
More Florida blogs
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