Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Speaking up for the homeless
(and others whose voices aren't heard)

“Tonight, a man or a woman whose name is unknown, who served this country patriotically and wore the uniform of the United States of America, will go to sleep under a bridge or on a grate, homeless,” said John Edwards in his speech after finishing third in the New Hampshire primary.

He's the only one of the presidential candidates who talks about homelessness in America.

Read (or watch) his remarks after the primary here.

By the way, he said pretty much the same thing in Iowa. That prompted Bill O'Reilly stated: "As for John Edwards, good grief, this guy has no clue ... The only thing sleeping under a bridge is that guy's brain.” Edwards' claim about homeless veterans is supported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger TrumanDem said...


This can't be said enough about John Edwards. He's been my candidate from the beginning because of his stand on these issues. Hopefully he can regroup and gain some footing in SC and Nevada and then on to super Tuesday.

Truman's Conscience
"The Buck Stopped Here"


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