Monday, April 04, 2016
A poverty lawyer (and, by the way, law professor) comments on social justice issues, news and court decisions ... with a few other random thoughts thrown in here and there
Help support IDignity! People without photo ID have difficulty accessing the critical services and benefits that help move people off the streets and out of poverty. Help us eliminate the barriers that are forcing people to live on the streets. Make a donation that will help one person – or 10 – get the photo ID that will enable them to access critical, life-sustaining services.Legal Advocacy at Work is a registered Florida non-profit corporation that provides legal services to homeless people.
Previous posts
- OMG! Homeless people are sleepingand bathing at th...
- Outrage forces Marseille to scrap yellow triangle IDs
- French homeless forced to wear 'yellow triangles'
- You can't get food in Florida but you can shower i...
- California city bans homeless from sleeping outsid...
- “Why do they waste their money on junk food?” If y...
- LA's homeless allowed to live in cars, appeals cou...
- If homeless people had a safe place to live, taxpa...
- Almost half of homeless men had a previous brain i...
- A Kissimmee native's view of homelessness
Homeless blogs
- Homelessness Law Blog
- Homelessrob Has A Plan
- The Homeless UK Blogger
- News from the Streets
- Homeless in Boston
- aibaihe's blog
- Give Us Your Poor Blog
- LA's homeless blog
- This Homeless Life
- At my friend's place
- homeword bound
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- Mosaic Street
- Joe Anybody Homeless Blog
- Car Camper
- View from the Sidewalk
- Wandering Scribe
- On the Nickel
- Turning It Over
- Homeless Man Speaks
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- The Homeless Guy
- Chosen Fast
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- Michaelann Land
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- 12th and Republic
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- From Homeless to Homeowner
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- National Alliance to End Homelessness
- Rock for Hunger Check news & blog posts about homelessness
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I'm a lawyer,
so there has to be a disclaimer- This blawg is a exercise in journalism, not legal advice. It should not be relied upon as a substitute for the advice of a qualified attorney, obtained in an attorney-client relationship, with respect to any actual legal issue or dispute. Nothing on this web site should be construed as legal advice or perceived as creating an attorney-client relationship.
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I agree! They should not judge the person because they have done wrong in the past thus they should focus on the capacity of the person to pay the housing.
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得保障!高雄酒店公關工作認真、台南酒店經紀親切負責。讓你擁有好的生活品質,酒店上班、酒店打工~台中金錢豹酒店上班,採家庭式管理,除了已有住所的台中酒店上班在地酒店工作人之外,我們能讓外縣市來台中金錢豹酒店打工的新人,都能一報到就有但見仁見智,現在大環境真的不如從前了小費的好客人。可是,妳正在工作!即使遇到言語上的委屈,妳只能選擇承擔,遇到什麼不堪的言語或者侮辱,妳也得試著忍受,因為妳在工作!若沒有情緒控制力的話,妳會非常的累。尤其妳不可能告訴身邊的人,妳正在酒店上班,妳的負面能量無處宣洩,只能靠妳自己消化。另一個殘酷的現實酒店經紀是,在酒店工作【妳就是商品】!消費者不會找一個沒什麼功能的商品來浪費自己的錢,比如妳很會帶氣氛、很會喝酒、很會撒嬌、很會和客人談天互動等等,如果妳什麼都不會,只想當花瓶,那妳也得是一個很好看的花瓶!如果妳什麼都沒有,那就別去了!因為客人不會選擇妳,坐冷板凳就是賺不到錢。至於在酒店賺錢是否沒有尊嚴的看法見仁見智。因為每個人的困境都不同,只有自己能幫自己的情況下,到酒店也只是想渡過人生的關卡。當然會有他人(家人、男友、同學、鄰居等)異樣的眼光,因為社會道德對特種營業的定義很狹隘,妳必須要有心理準備,否則讓妳傷痕累累的不是客人,很可能是妳身邊親近的人。若妳想比平常人更快、賺更多的錢,那酒店是一個管道,但這之間的得失入行前先考慮清楚。4.酒店收入、酒店薪資一個酒店兼職月多少?收入多寡取決於妳的態度與決心!大概的保守行情一天最差也有3,000元,而用心且有手腕的姐妹一天6,000~8,000以上不是問題,一個月可賺多少錢,就看妳的出勤天數了!想要再增加收入,可從外型與手腕(如口條、談話、撒嬌等)加強。外型方面只要【不過胖】都很好上檯,況且女人都是靠包裝的!現在化妝技術太專業了,要變成美女不是問題。而手腕是可以學習的,雖然這也是很講求天份和個性,但沒有賺不到錢的公關,只有不願意學習的姐妹。只要妳付出的方向是正確的,就會有讓自己滿意的收入!5.踏入酒店前,妳一定要知道的幾件事!酒店公關一定要有S嗎?!巧遇國中同學或鄰居,妳該怎麼辦?!時常全身酒味如何向家人、男友說明?!酒店上班遇臨檢會不會留下紀錄?!會不會舊人欺負新人?!遇到蠻橫不講理的客人,怎麼自保?!會不會有亂扣薪資問題?!酒店打工的髮妝該如何準備?!薪資明細上的扣項,如清潔費、櫃子等等是什麼意思呢?!癡漢型客人,向我要電話該怎麼應對?!臨時請假會扣薪資嗎?!什麼是「桌面服務」?!我酒量不好也不會喊酒拳,怎麼辦?!以上舉例情境,是讓妳不要有衝動入行的念頭,畢竟八大行業不是慈善機構,只有不動搖的決心與態度,才是最佳武器。當然,我們後續文章都有應對方式。或欲知實情,請線上詳談或來電詢問!6.酒店「S」是什麼?!我不接「S」,可以到酒店上班嗎?! 如何拒絕酒店「S」?!「S」是從英文sex或special演變而來。在酒店的術語就是,公關與客人私下「發生關係的交易」。若有強迫接「S」的店家,除了違法外,再也無法招募新公關,更會被經紀公司抵制。而店家的消費帳單上,也沒有「S」的相關明細。當然有些公關在缺錢的情況下,私下和客人「出場」,但在雙方都沒有保障的情況下,就會容易發生社會新聞,如「不做安全措施」、「金額不符」、「仙人跳」、甚至還有「暴力行為」等等。店家懇求妳加班都不敢違反個人意願,當然更不敢勉強妳接「S」。假使客人一直私下詢問,妳只要態度委婉但立場堅定說:「NO!」、「我沒有S耶!」、「我們才剛認識耶!你對女孩都那麼直接嗎?!」,切記!會勉強妳的客人,對妳而言就不是好客人,寧可換桌也不用讓自己為難。【冒險】與【保險酒店兼差】雖然只差一個字,但結果會天差地遠。7.應徵酒店【行政助理】、【公主】(真的假的?!) 酒店的行政人員,一定要有酒店相關經驗(當過酒店公關或有客源),本身有待過現場運作,了解酒店的生態與屬性才能任職!事實上,酒店最不缺的就是行政人員,一般都由內部能力好的男少爺升任,所以酒店行政幾乎是不對外應徵,很少對【非八大】招募,除非是內定名額(如親叔叔是老闆)。目前酒店聘請的女行政還是以歐巴桑為主,就是所謂的「阿姨」。既然只是應徵保姆性質,何必請年輕貌美呢?!至於應徵是否掛羊頭賣狗肉(最後洗腦妳做公關-後續文章有網友投書)!妳當然可以去試試看,但該死心時就該死心吧
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