Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Orlando draws criticism
from national homeless advocacy group

Cities like Orlando need to stop wasting resources on misguided laws and focus on solutions that can end homelessness for all our neighbors, says the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty.

“Cities need to realize that placing these kinds of restrictions on groups trying to help homeless people will not make homelessness go away,” said Tulin Ozdeger, a civil rights staff attorney at the NLCHP. “Instead of punishing people for their good work, cities should be looking at ways to solve the underlying causes of homelessness.”

NLCHP is encouraging Orlando -- and Fort Myers, which is considering a very similar law -- to pursue more constructive approaches to homelessness, such as those highlighted in NLCHP’s 2006 report
A Dream Denied.

Read Ozdeger's commentary here.


At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was shocked when I heard about this on CNN this morning. Having grown up in Orlando, I never thought that the city would invite this kind of bad PR, nor stoop to such cruel levels.

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I to but I about the list inform should prepare more info then it has.


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