Thursday, May 24, 2007

So I guess he does belong, after all ...

Matt Houston stands outside Lake Eola Park after he was issued a trespass warning that banished him from the park for a year. He was sharing food with hungry and homeless people when he was told to leave.

Matt Houston was allowed back into Lake Eola Park last night, when the City of Orlando rescinded a trespass warning issued two weeks ago.

Matt was trespassed from the park because he had dared to participate in the regular Wednesday food-sharing with hungry and homeless people. A police officer handed him the pink trespass warning that is so very familiar to many of the people he was helping.

The reason given on the warning? "Does not belong."

And those ill-chosen words are the very reason the trespass warning was rescinded.

We'll give credit where credit is due, and the city did the right thing here.

Read more at the STOP website -- and see Matt's actual trespass warning!


At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Jackie, I'm going to pray and meditate. If I think about this with my logical, human mind I'm going to go ballistic!!!


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