Monday, July 11, 2005

Is this democracy? (Part 2)

A legal challenge to the votes of homeless people will be decided this week.

An incumbent city alderman in Racine, Wis., lost the April election by three votes and then disputed the legitimacy of 14 votes cast by homeless people. He is arguing that 14 voters did not meet the 10-day residency requirement set by state law.

But the Wisconsin Elections Board’s policy provides: "Homeless individuals may designate a fixed location for their residence for voting purposes if it is an identifiable location in the state of Wisconsin which could conceivably serve as a temporary residence."

The incumbent wants the city to throw out 14 random votes – that’s right, random votes. There is, of course, no way to determine which votes were cast by homeless people.

So even if he wins the court ruling, he still could end up losing the election.

Read the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article here.

See previous post here.


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